
Daredevil Volume 1, Issue 26: "Stilt-Man Strikes Again!"

Birth Control Works4/21/2015 10:08:06 am PDT


Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum

Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum was a strange dimension where everything became one and everything and one was right. Those who passed through it became Chrono-Synclastic Ifundibulated, and had strange side-effects. They could see in all three normal dimensions, but also in time. They were able to see the past, present, and future all together. Those who were caught in it or “unstuck in time” would appear at different places for certain amounts of time. A prime example of a victim was William Niles Rumfoord, who would appear on Earth every 59 days for one hour. He also would appear on Mars, Mercury, Betelgeuse, and Titan. He was able to see what was happening in different places at all times, but was not able to know everything. The sensation has been described as “being everywhere at once”.