
A Perfect Circle - So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish [VIDEO]

KGxvi11/12/2018 10:09:49 am PST

Meanwhile, Trump continues to be an asshole vis a vis Puerto Rico:

White House officials have told congressional leaders and appropriators that President Donald Trump does not want any additional relief funding sent to Puerto Rico, a congressional leadership aide told CNN on Monday.

While there are no talks to cut funds that have already been appropriated, a White House aide said negotiations have focused on keeping Puerto Rico relief funding out of a supplemental spending bill that would fund relief efforts in parts of the south that were ravaged by hurricanes this year.

That aide noted Puerto Rican officials haven’t yet spent all the money Congress has set aside for them, and said the administration is moving to stop any more money from going to help the island “because they don’t need it and will most likely not be able to spend it.”

I’d love to see Puerto Rico become a State before 2020… but I think Trump is petty enough to veto legislation making it a State. And now I wonder if a State has ever been admitted via veto override?