
Video: Charlie Rose With President Obama on Syria, Iran, and NSA Leaks

piratedan6/18/2013 9:15:39 am PDT

re: #250 FemNaziBitch

Because they all know that “a stiff prick has no conscious” —a little alcohol or other substance, wrong place, wrong time and they could all be in a “sticky situation”.

Meaning, none of us is immune from crimes of Power and Control.

I’d like to think that most of us want a willing partner, that sometimes the decision making process is affected by booze or drugs is understandable but there’s no denying that there is a small subset of folks that see sex in a different light, some more or less accepted (certain fetishists and folks that are into S&M) some that aren’t (Rapists, natch). It’s that latter group that really find a way to parley their power and control issues into the mainstream that’s bothersome in that there are so many apologists out there for them. Scary that so many of them fall into that theological camp that allows them to have their kicks validated by the invisible sky buddy.