
Fox Covers the Olympics: Gabby Douglas Has 'Lost That Jingoistic Feeling'

SanFranciscoZionist8/06/2012 3:51:14 pm PDT

re: #254 SanFranciscoZionist

Doing a quick search:

Alex Morgan, the soccer player, is ‘Baby Horse’. Kobe is ‘Black Mamba’, of course, but he’s had that long before the Olympics. Misty May Treanor is ‘the Turtle’. Yohan Blake is ‘the Beast’. Allyson Felix is ‘Chicken Legs’. Laurel Flessel-Colovic, the French fencer, is ‘the Wasp’. Merrill Moses is ‘the Birdman’. Kyla Ross, another U.S. gymnast, is “Mighty Mouse”.

And Kayla Harrison, the U.S. judoka, or whatever the feminine of that is, is “Doug”. No idea why.

That’s just pulled off a Yahoo thing on “Olympian Nicknames”, so there are probably dozens more I don’t know about. Not my area of expertise.

Usain Bolt is ‘Lightning Bolt’, but that was kind of a given.

And for some reason, swimmer Nathan Adrian is ‘Bok Choy’. I can’t even begin to figure that one out. There must be some back story to it.