
Boston Globe: Islam May Have Had Secondary Role in Boston Bombings

TedStriker4/20/2013 2:03:50 pm PDT

re: #10 Charles Johnson

I’ve looked through Dzhokhar’s Twitter feed - and if he disliked American culture it sure was not obvious from what he posted on Twitter. Talked a lot about hot babes.

I’m getting the feeling that Dzhokhar wasn’t necessarily in this for Islam or any other “cause”, but that he was involved because of his brother, out of familial loyalty and/or because his older brother cajoled him into it.

Everything I’ve seen to this point leans toward Tamerlan being the “true believer” Islamist and Dzhokhar being, more or less, a normal college-age American teenager.

Of course, I could be wrong; Dzhokhar may have willingly been in this as deep as Tamerlan, in regards to what preceded the BM bombings and ensuing chaos.