
Stephen Colbert on the Repeal of AUMF and the End of Eternal War

soundoff5/24/2013 3:12:31 pm PDT

re: #8 Charles Johnson

Haven’t been here in a while and look at this crap site now.

A British soldier is murdered in broad daylight and you and your sychophants defend the splodeydopes to the nth degree.

Sad. So sad. And then we have the hypocrisy.

Even more sad is how you attack others (the wingnuts) for doing the same exact things you moonbats do, and then you act all high and mighty.

This used to be a great place to exchange ideas and have differing points of view. Now it is just an echo chamber and if you cultists don’t follow charlie’s thoughts and orders, you shall be banned. As if banning is the end of the world.

I was banned some time ago for visiting a website that charlie didn’t approve of. Since I am not allowed to think for myself, he banned me.

Wake up moonbats! You are following the cult of a once great leader who decided betray his flock because he counln’t control their thoughts or actions. Now, you follow his every whim or be gone and “get off my site”.

I do like it that kilgore trouty has been demoted and is finally starting to wake up from the stupor he put himself in.

Can anyone here think for themselves? Or do you need a pied piper to follow? And one who hides from a good debate as well?