
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

Gus10/08/2009 3:57:10 pm PDT

re: #21 Sharmuta

This is all about shaming these women by exposing their private matters to the world. Like Hoops said on the last thread- it’s a modern Scarlet A. It’s the woman who should be punished publicly for her own private business in their eyes. They want to scare these women into their choice, and it’s pretty ugly indeed.

That’s exactly what it is — they are attempting to shame women. It reminds me a bit of when Lila Rose said, “abortions should be done in the public square” at the Values Voter Summit Not exactly the same but similar to the Dark Ages mentality.

Simialr in thinking you can say they are “women who have had abortion and all how all relevant information information shall be announced in the public square.”

Welcome to 1509 Oklahoma.