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makeitstop10/04/2011 3:15:26 pm PDT

Remember when the WSJ called on Buffett to release his tax returns?

Well, Buffett is calling their bluff. He’ll release his returns, with only one condition:

Last week, News Corp’s Wall Street Journal editorial board told the billionaire behind the president’s “Buffett Rule” that, instead of calling for America’s wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes, Warren Buffett should “educate the public” by allowing “everyone else in on his secrets of tax avoidance by releasing his tax returns.” Today at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit, Buffett wholeheartedly agreed to release his tax returns to the public. He just has one condition: “I think it might be a terrific idea if [the Wall Street Journal] would just ask their boss, Rupert Murdoch, and he and I will meet at Fortune, and we’ll both give you our tax returns and you can publish them.” Buffett noted, “I’m ready tomorrow morning.” Murdoch has yet to respond.

I’ll bet eleventy bajillion dollars that Murdoch stays mum and the WSJ quietly drops the whole thing.