
Palin and Letterman Bury the Hatchet

Ben Hur6/16/2009 1:32:55 pm PDT

re: #246 american sabra

Remind me again why this was news for 5 days? Sometimes I really hate that we’ve become a bunch of whiny pansy asses. Or maybe it’s just that Palin will do anything for a little airtime.

There was this by McCain in 1998:
Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father was Janet Reno. Which I think goes well beyond what Letterman said and yet I don’t recall ever hearing about it. In fact Chelsea was constantly made fun of and I never remember the Clintons going on about it.

I’m sure he had to apologize as well.

You really think remarking on someone’s appearance is worse than sexual assault at worse, or calling someone’s daughter a ho at best?