
Final Presidential Debate 2012, Thread Four, Wrap-Up Part 2

lostlakehiker10/23/2012 8:05:44 am PDT

re: #203 Joanne

How do we know that? What proof is there? He was moderate in MA once. I don’t know if we have ANY idea what he’d govern like. He’s a complete chameleon. Which makes him, IMHO, extraordinarily dangerous.

He’s not that dangerous. He was a moderate in MA. He wasn’t a fanatic in his roles in the Olympics or at Bain. In the primary debates, he took positions that were moderate relative to the others vying for the nomination.

And he doesn’t have that cruel or crude or cold streak in private that Nixon, for example, had. Or LBJ, for that matter.

Romney is dangerous for his un-position on global warming. But that’s about it. Our constitutional system limits what any president can do, and surely no one imagines that his `massive charisma’ will enable him to just sweep that aside.