
Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron" Trailer Is Pure Eye Candy

lawhawk10/23/2014 9:54:56 am PDT

re: #255 RealityBasedEbola

I have issues with 3D. Most of the time I come out of the movies with a serious case of eye strain. I wear glasses, so having the extra pair of 3d glasses throws things off just a bit. But it’s also work to try and keep focused squarely on the screen - I find that if I turn my head or nod just a bit, things get all out of focus.

But when it’s done right, the effect can be amazing. We saw HP: Deathly Hallows 2, and the limited 3D effect was very well done - like during the battle of Hogwarts castle, and then the final battle between Harry and He Who Shall Not Be Named.

Voldemort, there, I said it and I don’t have the trace!

To me, it’s much more immersive to watch the movie on an IMAX screen than to see in 3D.