
Seth Meyers: Trump Returns From Vietnam Amid Cohen Fallout [VIDEO]

A Three Hour Tour3/01/2019 11:44:03 am PST

re: #211 ObserverArt

His point appears to be “socialism” like those three are apparently being attached to without and subtlety caused the Democrats to lose those races and that if we continue down that socialists path we are going to lose more and keep Trump in office.

Brian J is very much a conservative in thinking. I bet he just hates Social Security and Medicare.

I doubt that Brian sees himself as conservative. What he reminds me of is one of Jon Svitavsky’s cultist collection of cranks on Facebook*, united by their shared hatred of Bernie Sanders (who, for the record I find a faux revolutionary fraud much too dismissive of core democratic constituencies with very few accomplishments to his name) and any Democrat they feel has betrayed the party by occasionally cooperating with Sanders on legislation or incorporating some of his ideas including, but not limited to, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Kamala Harris.

When I broke contact with the Svitavsky-ites, they were obsessed with AOC in much the same manner that Brian is over here. (Why was I following the Svitavsky-ites, you may ask? One of the candidate’s brothers is an old friend of mine and he was running against Bernie, but his campaign was a train wreck and after a while, I couldn’t look away from it.)

*Yes, Wendell, we all know your position that Facebook is not for politics and only for pictures of family and fluffy kittens, so you don’t have to remind us.