
Bob Woodward Book: Trump Says He Deliberately Lied About the Coronavirus Threat Even Though He Knew How Bad It Was

Targetpractice9/09/2020 1:47:33 pm PDT

I think the biggest laugh line today is that Donny downplayed the danger because he “didn’t want a panic.”

You know, like how people cleared store shelves of toilet paper and bottled water in a totally rational fashion. Or badgered store employees to the point of nervous breakdowns in the belief that they were “hiding” cleaning products. Though I admit there was a measure of rat-bastard rationality in the one fellow who stockpiled gallons of hand sanitizer with the intent of selling it to all those “rational” people responding to the pandemic.

Donny declared his action’s as “leadership,” but one should read such in the same way that Operation Market Garden was “leadership,” namely the leading of a lot of good people into early graves. This isn’t leadership, this is the polar opposition, it is cowardice writ large. Leaders work to combat panic and steer that nervous energy to constructive means, cowards avoid such because they fear failure and that’s Donny’s biggest fear.