
Snowden Wanted the Washington Post to Vouch for Him With a "Foreign Embassy"

Testy Toad T6/10/2013 8:48:20 am PDT

Great Orange Stan, sadly, is still a little too excited about complaining to step back for a moment and use their thinkmeat (on the front page, not some backwater diary).

A 29 year-old kid, not working for the government, had access to all of this information, has the ability to wiretap any official in the U.S. It’s bad enough to have our government secretly scooping up the information of who we call, when we call them, how long those conversations are, and where we’re at when we make the call, not to mention Internet activity and credit card transactions. But it’s even worse to have our government contracting out that extreme invasion of our privacy. And we’re paying for it!

I really tend to expect better. They’re not FDL ferchrissakes. I’m thinking about starting up the Memorial Buzzfeed Should-I-Take-You-Seriously Countdown.