
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

Odahi11/02/2009 3:39:18 pm PST

No, “Allowing some tax cuts to lapse” is NOT what I mean. Nice try, though. Taking a trillion dollars the feds don’t have and throwing it about is what I mean.
“Shrub?” nice…
I mean buying up stock in private corporations, taking over financial institutions, and attempting to “reform” the health-care system by taking THAT over as well. There are other instances as well. “Shrub” never grabbed as much executive power in his wildest wet-dreams as “Odumbo” has in the past year. (Kinda sucks when somebody resorts to name-calling, huh?) NO, I did not vote FOR “Shrub.” I voted against Gore and Kerry.
“30% unemployment?” Where do you get that figure? And as opposed to the BOOMING, healthy 22% they “enjoy” now, I suppose. And the “federal loan guarantees and investment” have done what, exactly, to decrease that 22%?
Let’s see- weak foreign policy. I didn’t agree with the Iraqi invasion when it happened. I was IN the first Gulf War, and I thought we should have pursued Saddam then. I don’t agree with all of “Shrub’s” policies, and this was a big mistake in my opinion. But it Was Obama himself who said AFGHANISTAN is the right war, and we can’t afford to lose it. Yet he sits on his hands for weeks, and consults politicians about the direction the war should take, while snubbing the very general he himself placed in charge. What’s happening in Iran? What is his position on Honduras? Is he willing to give a Hugo Chavez wannabe legitimacy in the face of the decision of the Honduran Supreme Court? North Korea. Gee, we’ve done SO much to stop them, haven’t we. Deserting our NATO allies, failing to keep our word about missile defense in Eastern Europe, has done what, exactly, for our “reset” foreign policy with Russia? They don’t seem to appreciate it enough to give us a hand with Iran.
No, I don’t get over to the moonbat blogs much. Did go to mybarackobamadotcom and saw this: “Offers a public health insurance option to provide the uninsured and those who can’t find affordable coverage with a real choice.” Immediate Iraq withdrawal? Now that would be a nice way to repay them for their courage in trying to forge a new society- desert them and leave them to the extremists, terrorists, and thugs who are still there. Just as ill-advised now as it was after the first Gulf War, and I opposed it strongly then. And just WHO will have their salaries capped next? Car company executives, doctors maybe? Maybe insurance company executives? How about YOU, for that matter? That sit all right with you? I was opposed to the “stimulus” package from the start. It was wrong for the Bush administration to meddle with the economy to such an extent, and it is even more wrong to continue meddling, and increase it. How can adding another layer of government oversight to ANY industry make it more efficient?