
Israel Considers Giving Bloggers Journalist Credentials

Mich-again9/25/2009 12:27:06 pm PDT

re: #243 LudwigVanQuixote

There is plenty of clean fresh water in the Midwest. Even the ancient people on Earth knew they had to live near water. How nuts is it to move to the desert and then bitch that there isn’t any water there.

The looming water crisis in the SW reminds me a bit of the old Sam Kinnison routine about bringing food to starving people in Ethiopia. ( Granted, it was in poor taste and I was never a big fan of that loon)

You know, we’ve been bringing you food out here to the middle of the desert every day and it occurred to us that you people need to GO WHERE THE FOOD IS!

Real estate is cheap here now and there is plenty of water and fertile land. But yet so many people who live in unhospitable areas scoff at the “rust belt”. We’ll see in the coming decades I guess.