

RogueOne1/04/2010 9:12:02 am PST

I’m sure this has been covered but it was news to me….

Panic room saved artist Kurt Westergaard from Islamist assassin

He did not have time to collect the child from the living room before locking himself into a “panic room”, a specially fortified bathroom. He said the assailant had shouted “swear words, really crude words” and shrieked about “blood” and “revenge”, as he smashed the axe in vain against the bathroom door.

“I feared for my grandchild,” he told Jyllands-Posten, the newspaper that had commissioned the cartoon. “But she did great. I knew that he wouldn’t do anything to her.” He went on: “It was close, really close. But we did it.”

I knew he had locked himself in a panic room, didn’t know he left the 5 yr old to fend for herself.