
Video: Steven Crowder's Painfully Unfunny Wingnut Humor

William Lewis10/01/2011 11:23:37 pm PDT

Yikes! It’s much later than I realize and I have to go teach sunday school tommorow ack, later today. Reasonably easy though as it’s the first weekend of October which means the feast day of one of the best, true, Christian Saints: Francis of Assisi. Classic dude who went from a party boy who went soldiering for fun and adventure (you could in 1200. No guns to fuck shit up.) but then took ill one day. That wasn’t funny before antibiotics. Add a vision and he was haring off to Rome as a pilgrim instead of a soldier.

While there he had another vison about rebuilding the church. Boy, did he. As an Anglican, I’d argue that everything good out of Rome since 1200 was due to either a guy named Francis or this other dude named Ignatius.

Too often Francis gets pigeon holed as “St Francis of the Birdbath” because of the legend that he wanted to share the Lord’s love even with the birds. Yet he understood that if god really is love, then it is love for all and for everything.

Francis reminds us that God is love. All that crap spewed out there in God’s name that isn’t? It’s just that. Crap. Ignore it. What is good and is love will out.

“Do not do to anyone what you would not have done to you. The rest is commentary.”