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Shropshire Slasher1/27/2022 7:21:42 am PST

Tucker Carlson, racist much?

Tucker Carlson has warned Biden’s Supreme Court pledge to install the court’s first black woman will end in ‘tribal warfare’.

On his show on Wednesday night, the Fox News host slammed Biden’s promise, made during his election campaign in 2020, as identity politics.

The host said Biden appeared to only take into consideration a nominees skin color, as opposed to their qualifications.

He also took aim at the nature of current Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer’s resignation, pointing out that Bryer himself had not yet made an announcement and suggested that his hand had been forced.

Carlson’s comments came after the White House confirmed will keep his campaign promise to name a black woman to the Supreme Court, with an official retirement announcement from Bryer expected as early as today.