
Video: Glenn Beck Yearns for Civil War

jaunte1/16/2013 7:45:10 am PST

Meet the NRA’s Board of Directors

The National Rifle Association claims to speak for more than four million gun owners. But the shots are really called by a hush-hush group of 76 directors. The majority are nominated via a top-down process and elected by a small fraction of NRA members. A breakdown of the current board, based on their official bios:

- 87% are men. 93% are white.
- 25% are current or former federal, state, or local lawmakers or officials.
- 22% are current or former law enforcement officers. 30% are current or former members of the military.
- 24% are lawyers.
- 12% are entertainers or athletes.
- 64% are hunters. 71% are sport or competitive shooters.
- At least 71% were nominated, endorsed, or selected by the NRA’s Nominating Committee.