
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

NYC_Mike4/29/2009 1:07:06 pm PDT
With the party reeling from Sen. Arlen Specter’s defection

Love the MSM spin here. Reeling? Who the hell is reeling? Most of the repubs I know are delighted. Most are saying “Good riddance to bad trash!”

Specter is a opportunistic doofus. He is and never was an effective legislator or statesman. He switched to the (R) for political expediency and he just defected to the (D) for the same reason.
Trust me - if in 6+ years he’s still kicking and the political pendulum is back to the other side - I wouldn’t put it past him to switch back again!

Honestly - he’s of no help and never was. Goodbye. Good riddance!