
Samantha Bee Recorded a Mind-Boggling Conversation About the Debate Between a Trump Fan and a Hillary Fan

Timothy Watson10/03/2016 7:07:01 am PDT

re: #266 ObserverArt


I was just checking into my private home email account (ATT Yahoo) and saw this article in the Yahoo News. I very seldom read Yahoo news because I find them about as reliable as Fox/CNN, etc. Anyway for some reason this one caught my eye. Probably because it was right in front of me on the opening page. Yahoo reconfigured a little while ago and there news page opens now where I used to go straight to my mailbox. I think I need to see if I can figure out how to change that,

Why do I feel this is all a bunch of bull crap. Is it because Yahoo linked to Fox New who linked to the freaking Washington Examiner? Why yes, I think that is it!

Washington Examiner - Clinton cancels joint events with Sanders

Didn’t Sanders defend her comments?