
Trump's Campaign Strategy: Hope Americans Grow Numb to the Escalating Coronavirus Death Toll

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/06/2020 3:27:21 pm PDT

re: #253 ckkatz

I agree with you.

However, from what I understand, the rationalization then was two fold.

First, a lot of these traitors were from the same classes as, and had served with, the Union politicians and Regular military.

The second, more practical reason was the expectation that by keeping the Southern leadership intact, they would not allow the bitter-enders to try and start a guerilla war. (Which actually was a concern.) As soon as bitter-enders did try and start one, the Union leadership cut a deal and abandoned their allies in the South.

I get it. But, and this is a big but to me, without accountability and consequences, it will only happen again. Perhaps not another civil war (yet, because it’s never been dealt with, yet) but the shit continued to live on - to this very day.

Accountability applies to trump too. He had got to pay for his treason and malfeasance. Barr, too. All those GOP fuckers who went to Russia on the 4th of July. No jokes about Putin paying them, full on prison/execution/confiscation of personal property.

Accountability and real consequences. Real life, knock your teeth out consequences.

If we don’t deal with it now, and push accountability down the road, it’ll happen again and again.