
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

mvanvleck2/10/2010 6:05:05 pm PST

re: #43 jamesfirecat

“why don’t you consider CO2 a pollutant?”
Simply put, C02 is the basis of carbon-based life on this planet. Without CO2, all the plants would die. Animals, ourselves included, exhale CO2 and could not live without doing so. The only other product of complete combustion is H20 which is several thousand times as potent a greenhouse gas as C02. If C02 is a pollutant, than water is certainly far more dangerous. When the weatherman predicts the nightly low temps he uses cloud cover (water vapor) as the most significant variable. More water vapor yields higher temps and vice-versa. Never will you here the weatherman say “tonight the atmospheric C02 is up to 263 ppb from 258 ppb this afternoon….I’m predicting that will contribute to unseasonably warm temps this evening. Sulfur dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Mercury, Cadmium….all polutants. C02 is the backbone of life.