
New York Passes Gay Marriage Law

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/25/2011 6:21:23 pm PDT

re: #232

I’m in no way attempting or implying that you’re bigoted. I don’t know why you’d think I was.

Ojoe’s claim that allowing gay marriage at the governmental level drags people into approving it, I think, is what got him downdinged. It really doesn’t make much sense. Nobody has to approve of anyone else’s marriage simply because it’s legal.

Like I said, the rights are what’s important to me. If New York had passed a law renaming legal marriage as ‘civil unions’ for everyone, and allowing gays to have them too, I’d be just as happy.

I just don’t find it at all necessary or useful, since the distinction between state and religious marriage has always been there, and nothing is changing about that now that gays are allowed marriage.