
Obama Announces Fix for Cancelled Health Plans

Kragar11/14/2013 11:05:36 am PST

re: #22 GeneJockey

The latter. There are some folks who not only don’t accomplish anything themselves, they actually reduce the productivity of others. There was a postdoc I worked with who not only didn’t do dick in his year in our lab, but also was so obnoxious that other folks in the group would avoid the lab when he was there.

“I can’t get this done by Friday.”
“You can have X. He’s not doing anything.”
“There is a reason for that. I thought you wanted this by Friday.”

“Hey, can you update the servers?”
“I don’t know. How do you do that?”
“That was literally the first thing you were taught, and what you have to do before you do any other taskings, like you’ve been doing for months.”
“Where do you keep the documentation for that?”
“Go die in a fire.”