
The Onion's AV Club: Glenn Greenwald Loves Sony, Now That They've Bought the Rights to His Book

Bubblehead II5/15/2014 1:52:53 pm PDT

Damn. 9th has issued a temporary stay.

Federal appeals court puts Idaho gay marriages on hold

BOISE — A federal appeals court has temporarily put plans for Idaho same-sex weddings on hold while it considers the state’s request for a longer stay.

Otter being a dick as usual.

“I appreciate the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stepping in to ensure Idaho will not have to endure the same kind of chaos and confusion that Utah faced after a similar lower-court decision. Today’s ruling stays the federal magistrate’s order and maintains the status of marriage as defined by the Idaho Constitution - between one man and one woman. Meanwhile, I am proceeding with an aggressive challenge in the appellate court. I’m hopeful for a better outcome, but in any event I am committed to defending our Constitution and the will of Idaho voters.”