
Chuck C. Johnson and His Neo-Nazi Friends

CuriousLurker3/08/2015 3:15:45 pm PDT

UpChuck is scum. He wants attention and will do anything to get it. The problem is he keeps having to go further and further out there to outdo himself. He seems to believe that trolling will bring him fame & riches. He’s right about the fame part, but it’s more like infamy.

I seriously doubt everyone who’s following him is a fan. Still, there are plenty of other scumbag haters & trolls out there who are willing to crawl behind him on all fours every day, lapping up his verbal diarrhea 24/7.

He’s young and exceedingly stupid (or maybe just exceedingly lazy & selfish). The internet is forever—some day, more likely than not, he’s going to grow the fuck up and and wish for a respectable future which, by then, will be well beyond his reach thanks to the foul reputation he’s left behind.

He’s ruining his life and the lives of those close to him on whom this can blow back. We’re witnessing a young man who had every advantage—white privilege, a good education, etc.—blindly flushing his future down the drain.

I’m sure the fame he’s pursuing appears to him as a beautiful, desirable young woman right now, but soon enough he’ll find himself in the awful embrace of a diseased, conscienceless old hag… and because of all the people he’s hurting along the way, I’m not going to feel an ounce of pity for him when his turn to suffer comes.

O pilgrim, I fear you will never reach Mecca because the road you are on leads to Turkestan. —Sufi proverb