
Stormfront or SJW?

fizziks5/01/2015 8:48:06 am PDT

re: #26 Nyet

If one defines SJWs as actually pursuing social justice (even if by annoying/misguided means), most of the quotes were NOT by SJWs. “Die cis scum” does not fall under any known def of social justice.

Excellent display of the ‘no true scotsman’ logical fallacy there. The quotes were from commenters on far-left blogs. You may not want the far left to comprise people who have the various opinions highlighted, but unfortunately it does.

As for my “anti-Arab” rhetoric, do you deny the historical truth of any of the points listed there? If not, then rather than taking that section alone out of context you should consider the entire piece, which is that if Nazi Germany has paid reparations for the atrocities of the past, and there is a serious movement afoot to have the United States pay reparations for the atrocities of the past, then why is the Arab world being let off the hook for similar scale or even worse atrocities, even ongoing?