
Video: Putting Faith In Its Place

tokyobk9/27/2009 3:24:07 pm PDT

Thinking also from an earlier thread about LGF/Kos, this video about the danger of asserting the unprovable onto others shows why —at this moment in history— (because at other times is was other religions) there must be rigorous public critique of the Sharia that is strongly prefaced with equal scorn for the denigration of the people who simply inherit that source of their belief system as a starting point, or simply come from an Islamic country. The second, along with gratuitously denigrating color, dress, diet, language etc… would indeed be what people call “Islamophobia,” but the first is a right and perhaps duty of anyone who believes in equal rights for woman, gays, religious minorities and atheists/agnostics to simply not believe.

A few years ago, (I thought) I saw that kind of discussion across many sites, but obviously not now where there is an unfortunate blurring of the above.

Sometimes, I think that Islam is the last religion, meaning the last one that makes a genuine assertion for supremacy over the modern world. Though I know many people believe fundie Xianity is making a serious effort to reassert itself.