
Irony Watch: Sarah Palin Calling Someone Else 'Dumb'

lawhawk1/20/2012 10:03:33 am PST

Let me get this straight.

Newt commits adultery and supposedly apologizes. He then goes on to divorce his second wife and marries his paramour. I get that.

His ex-wife then gets an interview and claims that he wanted an open marriage to which she refused (and then he carried on with the extramarital affair and later divorce).

This is certainly newsworthy, especially in light of his crucial involvement in the impeachment of President Clinton. For all the talk of family values, Newt certainly has some interesting family values, like it’s apparently okay to have an open marriage but gay marriage leads to the downfall of civilization. Having mistresses on the side is bad if you’re a Democrat, but it’s okay if Newt’s the one doing it.

And Newt is somehow managing to spin this in his favor - claiming that the media and other GOPers are attacking him on an issue more than a decade old.

You know what else is more than a decade old? Lots of the same kinds of claims he’s thrown at Romney for his time at Bain Capital, let alone the time as Massachussetts governor. There’s no statute of limitations on any of those issues, and there’s none on Newt’s infidelities and character and judgment faults.

The marital infidelity is a character fault, but that by itself isn’t bad. Other politicians have successfully come back from marital infidelity; it’s that he targeted President Clinton over his infidelities and lies/coverups all while Newt was engaging in his own infidelity (and it would turn out that Newt had much more serious problems - ethics violations that cost him his Spearkership and resulted in fines as well). In fact, he was forced out of office by his fellow GOPers. Yet, he continues to act like he’s the smartest guy in the room and isn’t shy about pronouncing the same, even as he lies and obfuscates about his own ethical and character flaws.