
New Planned Parenthood Ad Goes After Mitt Romney (Video)

William Lewis5/30/2012 1:54:56 pm PDT

re: #20 Expand Your Ground

That is what Dominionism is about, and this is why people like him cannot begin to compromise on moral issues: if you laws do not correspond to their narrow-minded interpretation of “God’s Will”, then our nation is doomed.

This man is trying to save America from itself!

A guy I know on another board got a 95 page screed saying that the Revolution! has begun and then blathers on in typical Dominionist fashion.

“We The People; in order to form a more perfect union and set ourselves free from oppression; demand that all of the legislative branches of government: federal, state and local, including the President and Vice President, shall repeal and cease to enforce all and every piece of man-made legislation, all of which is criminal; fraudulent and treason against the God in Whom we trust and also against we His people.

YHWH (“I AM”) has expressly forbidden men from legislating (Deuteronomy 4:2) and has commanded that any and all persons found guilty of so doing should be executed by public stoning, or by any other means available to carry out that task.

Usury is unlawful; expressly prohibited, and therefore:

We The People demand that the Federal Reserve Bank be prohibited from charging interest and that all interest payments already paid to the FRB shall be refunded, in full, forthwith and redistributed equally amongst all the citizens of these united States of America.

We The People demand that all persons convicted under man-made legislation and therefore wrongfully imprisoned shall be released immediately and the judges who unlawfully condemned and sentenced them shall take their places in prison and personally, from their own funds, not the state purse, compensate the offended persons for their wrongful imprisonment.

Furthermore: anyone collaborating with the enemy; by seeking to or enforcing and/or administering any of the aforementioned unlawful legislation against We The People; is guilty of the same crimes as the legislators and will, according to God’s Law, also be executed in accordance with The Law.

You have been warned.

And on and on and on.