
New Seth Meyers: Trump Tweets That Biden "Won," Then Tweets "I Concede Nothing"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/17/2020 9:01:07 am PST


Resistance is starting to mount in Nebraska to Governor Pete Ricketts.

The city of Ralston does not have a health board. They are in the process of forming one now. It will include city council members, the police chief, and a physician from University of Nebraska Medical Center who lives in Ralston.

Debate emerges over city authority to issue mask mandates as Ricketts resists state requirement (Omaha World-Herald)

Several communities across Nebraska are discussing a possible mask mandate, including Scottsbluff, Kearney, Grand Island and Ralston.

State Sen. Justin Wayne of Omaha, an attorney and the chairman of the Legislature’s Urban Affairs Committee, said Monday that state law gives cities of all sizes the authority to “make regulations to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious, infectious or malignant diseases into the city.”

He argued that the law would clearly allow for a city ordinance mandating the use of face masks or face coverings. If not, he said, cities and towns could issue a mandate under their authority to regulate nuisances.

Wayne noted that many Nebraskans are pleading for state and local leaders to take steps to slow the spread of COVID-19. Since Gov. Pete Ricketts has continued to resist calls for a statewide mask mandate, Wayne urged local leaders to step up.


The Scottsbluff Star-Herald reported over the weekend that local leaders from Scottsbluff, Terrytown and Gering said they were exploring options but declined to make any policy announcements.

Ricketts has repeatedly refused to consider a statewide mask mandate, arguing that he doesn’t want to use government power to force mask use and that doing so would breed resistance. He also has barred local public health departments from establishing mandates in their areas.

He sounded the same theme on Monday, despite mounting calls for a mandate from health care professionals, teachers and other citizens.