
Krauthammer Wants Honest Debate

Flyovercountry8/21/2009 11:30:10 am PDT

re: #244 JarHeadLifer

As I said in an earlier post, Palin’s comments were clumsily written, at best. While I’m not a fan of the “death panel” phrase, I believe it could have been explained MUCH better than she did,. Since it wasn’t , it probably should have been avoided altogether. As you state, it has muddied already complicated waters.

Having said that, I still think the larger point Palin was attempting to make, is a good one. Government intervention is not the answer, especially and specifically if that intervention means that the government is going to be expanding it’s role as health insurance provider beyond what it already is. On this, it sounds like we may agree.

I’d be willing to concede that point except for one thing. This woman is not some novice. Her speach at the Republican National Convention was tremendous. I read a link here on LGF written by Palin that was brilliant, (on drilling in ANWR.) This woman is well read and polished. This woman knew what she was doing. I will not accept for one moment that Governor Palin meant the appeal to be anything but emotional. This was a calculated move to switch the argument to the lowest possible denominator. If we lose this battle, Sarah is one of the people I will blame.