
Truther Document 'Signatories' Say They Were Misled

Diego9/04/2009 11:16:55 am PDT

re: #237 LudwigVanQuixote

So just to put this in proper perspective… The right wing pundits who were so ruthlessly using this story on a false witch hunt are so desperate to win that the truth does not matter one jot.

But we knew that with the Birthers.

We knew that with the Deathers

We knew that with Obama going to take your guns.

We knew that with Obama going to take over the internet.

We knew that with the false claims that Obama is an anti-white racist.

What else is new?

G-d forbid the right try to win on a principled stand based in fact.

Oh, and now the right wants to cut and run from Afghanistan and Iraq too. Groovy. I seem to recall all sorts of speechifying that Obama was the antichrist for wanting to get out of the mess… Perhaps they honestly think that my memory is that short.

Why anyone trusts the rightwing punditsphere to say anything even remotely true these days is beyond me. I have little patience for those without honor.

And just to pre-empt - every democratic lie in history does not excuse these lies. I don’t care how much anyone hates the Dems or wants to complain about them. It does not make this smell any more pretty. A dead fish in the room does not remove the oder of a different pile of manure.

Here, here! Updinged!