
Pensacola Tea Party Coopted by Paulians

Walter L. Newton4/10/2009 7:12:46 pm PDT

re: #248 jwb7605

At the risk of criticism, I was thinking earlier that going out of the way to make sure the life of the Captain is spared is about as bright as stopping an assault in a battle would be if the Commanding Officer was captured.

I truly do not understand why the Captain is an exception.

i don’t want to see anyone “sacrificed,” but this is fucking too much. This has now been going on for years, pull off by people who don’t even answer to a government, people who don’t answer to a local authority, a world authority or a moral authority.

These Somali’s are vermin, scum, no better than some cheap mafia thugs on the streets of New York, and what in the world is the world doing treating them like some after school special.

Fuck this shit, stop them, now, with an action that will determine the whole future of the Somali pirate business… arrrgggggghhhh matey.