
A Little Verified Info on Possible New Ebola Patient in Dallas: "A Low Risk Event"

Reality Based Steve10/08/2014 6:02:40 pm PDT

Compare and Contrast The Johnsons….

CHARLES J. Johnson….
Plays on appx. 30 records, 3 of which go gold , tours extensively with world class Jazz acts.
Founds Software Company
Founds major internet Media site.
Debunks Major News Story
Experience major shift in views, and renounces former views.
Founds LGF (the site)
Handcrafts a site so that it’s right.
Continues to fight for what is right.

CHARLES C. Johnson
Played with himself
Made model rockets
Once drove a BMW
Installed WordPress template
Grifts for profit.

For extra credit, offer a reasonable hypothesis as to how Charles C Johnson is able to dress himself without assistance.