
Video: Samantha Bee Tries to Fact-Check a Bunch of Clueless Trump-Supporting Millenials

klys (maker of Silmarils)3/15/2016 11:14:42 pm PDT

mr. klys and I went out for dinner tonight, to one of our normal places, and ran into a regular at the bar who we’ve chatted with a few times before. He asked if I had seen the primary results and we had a nice conversation for a bit about a) what the fuck is going on with the Republican party and b) that we will both happily vote Democrat no matter what in the general.

I got the feeling he leaned a little more towards Bernie (Hillary = Wall Street and that’s bad) and I countered a little bit with some of my concerns (centered totally on the candidate, like the lack of downticket support that has happened, that a vote against Iraq does not make a foreign policy, etc.). We both expressed satisfaction that income inequality is an issue getting discussed.

I’m honestly fine if Bernie wants to stay in the race and keep bringing attention to the issue, but the writing is on the wall so maybe cut back some on the negative attacks? Yes? I think that’s something we can all agree on?