
Nightmarishly Beautiful Animated Film: Jo Jo in the Stars

blueraven3/08/2013 7:44:38 am PST

New York Man Finds $30 Million in Art in Garage

When Thomas Schultz moved into this mess he never thought he’d walk out a millionaire. Schultz and his business partner bought this New York bungalow back in 2007 as an investment property. At the time they thought the 300,000 dollar price tag was a bargain in the hot real estate market until they looked into the garage and discovered a tremendous amount of art work.

Along with trunks and a bunch of garbage, the home’s owners told the partners to throw it all away, but Schultz was curious, especially when he noticed many of the canvases were signed by the same name. He began organizing. It took years sorting through some of the 70,000 paintings, drawings and journals.

But this morning it was worth it. That garbage is a gold mine A collection of original works by an obscure abstract impressionist named Arthur Pinajian, who made his name illustrating comic books in the thirties

Schultz says the collection is now valued at some thirty million dollars.