
We Take a Short Trip Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam7/09/2018 7:16:29 pm PDT

How not to smuggle, episode 3,415

Border police in Shenzhen, China, arrested a Hong Kong man for trying to smuggle 44 kg of gold bars into the mainland city. That’s about $1.5 million worth of gold. He had the bars stashed in the center armrest of his car.

The man was driving back through the Shenzhen Bay checkpoint on July 3 when mainland customs officers found 44 undeclared gold bars weighing a total of 44kg in a hidden compartment in the car’s armrest.

The mainland’s General Administration of Customs said the man admitted to knowing the gold was in the car and had been detained.

If he’s found guilty, he could go to prison for anywhere from 5 years to life, according to mainland law.