
Pamela Geller Feebly Explains Edit: 'Stockpiling Weapons' is 'Self Defense'

Gus7/30/2011 2:57:37 pm PDT

re: #267 000G

My argument (to quoque) was more along the lines that other people’s obnoxiousness, even when more widespread and severe, was no excuse for sanctioning or engaging in obnoxiousness yourself. Dunno where yours is going.

The argument as you may recall stems from the logical fallacy lumping in racism with atheism and not who has he most obnoxious characters in their ranks. If that’s the case then religions win hands down as having the most obnoxious characters in these modern times. I have yet to see atheists bombing abortion clinics or shooting abortion doctors. Neither do I see any atheist suicide bombers to date.