
Video: Herman Cain's Bizarre New Advertisement

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin10/24/2011 8:40:57 pm PDT

The us has never been a melting pot, so I disagree with that metaphor.

White conservatives like Pat Buchanan, fellow opportunists, and their stupid minions follwing them are literally white noise.

Background buzz.

The only thing Buchanan cons can point at is their glorious past, complete with slavery, segregation, lynching, Alien Acts, Exclusion Acts, rape, reservations, broken treaties, a noted inability to compete in the modern world without governmentrevealing rigging the game for them (states rights), and rank self-loathing.

This is why we laugh at them and their endless, self-induced social anxieties.

re: #214 palomino

I hope that mofo lives long enough to see whites become the minority in America. His rhetoric is toxic. I assume he’s so over the top in part because he knows that his fantasy retrograde America isn’t ever coming back. And it scares the hell out of him.

To me, the rapidly changing demographics are just one more step in the evolution(!) of America. Nothing to be afraid of, indeed it’s the melting pot ideal that many of us embrace.