
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

Heywood Jabloeme7/25/2013 11:33:41 pm PDT

re: #270 OhNoZombies!

First of all, don’t call me dude.

Second, if they voted down the bill the Prez. didn’t like, and voted for the fig leaf, how is that giving him the finger. That sounds like a CYA move if I ever saw one.

Third, Greenwald is full of it. No complaints from him when Bush enacted all of this crap, in fact, he basically said the government can do what it wants.

But Obama, well…

If Snowden really cared about privacy and human rights, he would have avoided China, and Russia.
Just sayin.
The facts are clear, it’s your interpretation that leaves me wanting.

The 2nd Amendment disaproved of EVERY thing Obama lobbied them for yet did nothing. That way they can claim that they voted against the NSA program yet not stop it. Then after, the GOP House Chairman promised to draft a new bill with more protections in it and many predictedf he’d have to becausse there were no longer enough votes to reauthorize the Patriot Act next time. Obama actively lobbied the Congressmen not to vote for ANY Amendments and has repeatedly personally defended the PA and has had his DOJ defend it many times in court.

Then your comments re: Greenwald during the Bush years is simply bizzare in its lack of history. Greenwald made his name at Slate excoriating Bush for his use of warrantless wiretaps. You need a few more facts. You’ve been hanging around LGF too much.

How Snowden did this and where he went is really immaterial to what he has done. He has single handedly starting the take down of the post 911 US Domestic Spying programs.