
The Incredibly Silly Video Friday Night Open Thread: Ylvis - Trucker's Hitch

A Mom Anon10/04/2014 10:02:37 am PDT

re: #268 Dark_Falcon

Giving to charity is a bullshit cover move to legitimize damages. It doesn’t erase the amount of polluting they do to the environment. It doesn’t erase the damage they’ve done to our political process with their front groups and bullshit “think tanks”. it doesn’t erase what they’ve done to destroy labor unions, or teachers unions, public schools, the list is long. Maybe instead of investing all this money in undoing the best programs we have they could fund them, or take that money and pay workers more, donate to school districts in need(NOT private schools), invest in helping fix the infrastructure that helped make them rich. There’s a long list of things they could do, if they actually gave a rat’s butt about the American people.

You want other names? Here’s some; Sheldon Adelson, David Purdue (lying his ass off to be GA’s next governor), the people running all those mining companies that run unsafe operations, the people in charge of all the companies parking their money overseas instead of paying their fair share of taxes. The Koch brothers aren’t some poor downtrodden and unfairly treated gentlemen, they deserve every derisive comment and news article written about them. Every. Stinking. Word.