
How NPR Tiny Desk Audio Engineer Josh Rogosin Mics the Drums

Shropshire Slasher3/27/2018 5:16:46 am PDT

Don Jr. applied for a pistol permit:
(Link goes to NY Post Page Six)

It is not clear why he applied in Pennsylvania, but just before his wife, Vanessa Trump, filed for divorce, Don Jr. was issued the permit, which lasts for five years and is accepted in many other states across America, but not in New York.

A source told us, “It isn’t clear why Don Jr. applied for a permit in Pennsylvania. But there is speculation that he didn’t do it in New York because you have to supply financials.”

NYPD guidelines for handgun-license applicants state that a New York state tax return may be required as part of the paperwork.

And we all know how much the Trumps don’t enjoy sharing their tax returns.