
Wingnut Blogger Jim Hoft Uncovers Another Secret Far Left Plot

Gus3/02/2012 2:51:54 pm PST

And from that link at Balloon Juice we find low IQ Malkin referencing the low IQ Jamie Wearing Fool (former and now banned Lizard):

Ahh, but there is another tactic, and good old counter-top inspector Michelle Malkin is on the job:

Yep. Sandra Fluke’s no “slut.” Call her moocher. Tool. Hypocrite. And budding femme-agogue. Won’t be long before she’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s new press secretary. Screechy McScreeches of a feather…

Who is Sandra Fluke? JWF takes a closer look:

For me the interesting part of the story has the ever evolving “coed”. I put that in quotes because in the beginning she was described as a Georgetown law student. It was then revealed that prior to attending Georgetown she was an active women’s right advocate. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. During this time she was described as a 23 y/o coed. Magically at the same time congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception she appears and is even brought to capitol hill to testify. This morning in an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show it was revealed that she is 30 y/o NOT the 23 that had been reported all along.

In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play her.