
Arizona Congressional Candidate Blasts 'Obamacare' With a Shotgun (Video)

BigPapa6/11/2012 9:40:31 pm PDT

re: #236 Dark_Falcon

The causes of both failures are broader than that, tough, and in the case of 2008 there are plenty of middle and even some working class people who should come in for their share of the blame.

What is their share?

I work in a technical/craft based profession. Clients pay me for my time, experience, and pay for a comprehensive finished product.

Some of them ask for solutions that seem cool, are unreliable, or very expensive. Most of the time I explain the cost/benefits and they come my way. Some of them don’t listen, or want the most expensive solution for the cheapest price, or want something that does not exist.

If I give them the latter three and it ends up a kludge, who is at fault? They are the client…. the wealthy, demanding, childlike client who wants what they want and sometimes want what they cannot have. I am the professional with many times the experience delivering what works, setting expectations when we’re pushing the limits, and knowing what will end up a big stinky overpriced fuckall pile of crap.

Who is at fault for the failure?

Bankers deliver a product that includes money with a service. When they push the limits of safe and risk, who is at fault again?

Where is the professional obligation to represent the client’s best interest even when what they want is not in their best interest?

This personal responsibility bullshit covers for professionals shirking their obligation to watch out for their client’s best interest.