
Supreme Court Blocks Texas Neanderthal Sonogram Law

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)9/30/2011 4:35:23 am PDT

Michelle Malkin responds with usual hyper-pettiness:

New post-Not funny: The Onion spreads fake report on Capitol hostage-taking, children at gunpoint

More to the point, neither the Onion article nor the tweets were funny, insightful, or pointed.
19 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

It’s Harry Reid who held up the latest short-term government funding band-aid, not Boehner. @TheOnion #congresshostage

It’s President Obama who refused to act on his own bipartisan debt panel’s recommendations. @TheOnion #congresshostage

It’s massive entitlement expansions/ bailouts passed by both parties that have robbed our kids’ futures. @TheOnion #congresshostage

Plus: Dumb stunt comes just as continuing resolution wins “smooth sailing” from bipartisan big spenders