
Breitbart "News" Bombshell Report on Loretta Lynch and Whitewater Is Totally Wrong

Reality Based Steve11/09/2014 4:14:47 pm PST

See all Kinds of posts, so here it goes…

Congratulations Dr. Lizardo. Now my question is “Does that poor girl know what she’s getting into?”

Breitbart is once again proving that one’s idiocy can extend from beyond the grave.

I’m very metal… I’ve got everything Creed ever did.

I don’t much care for Monster (or any energy drink for that matter), but that video is, well, it’s something.

The whole AA thing is just stupid. From NPR, via Wonkette….

[Lynch] attended an elementary school with mostly white students, and recalled scoring high on a standardized test. Administrators demanded the young Ms. Lynch retake it, she said.

Ms. Lynch’s mother fought back, saying the score wouldn’t have been questioned if her daughter was white. Ultimately, Ms. Lynch took the test again and, to her mother’s “great delight,” scored even higher, she said.

Ms. Lynch also should have been her high school’s first African-American valedictorian, she said. But after much hand-wringing, school administrators decided she had to share the honor with two other top-scoring students — one black, the other white.

“We were all friends,” she said, “and we all thought this is really dumb. But it became a huge deal.”


The RWNJ Blogosphere has truly become an echo chamber, Make it up, relink and retweet, and bang, now you have your narrative.