
The Bob Cesca Podcast: President Shart

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/05/2020 1:20:24 am PDT

re: #277 Targetpractice

I’m trying to suss all this out, because from what I’m reading her office says she only requested help from the DCNG (who she has authority over), while the NG troops from other states are there at the federal government’s request. If that’s the case, then I’m not sure she has the legal authority to order those troops out of DC, as would a SD’s governor demanding NE to remove their troops. She can demand they be removed, but the governors so far seem to be of the opinion that she’s grandstanding.

From what I understand, no one really knows who gave the orders for the Guard to go to DC. State governors would have to approve a request, or the federal government federaliZe them (in which case there should be a public order and someone in charge). That’s what the Mayor is trying to get to the bottom of, and if this information is intentionally hard-to-get, it at least appears that it wasn’t legal.